Events log

System log is an internal registry of users activities which influence system state (login information, administrative actions, etc.).

To display system log contents, select Settings > System log.


External syslog servers


  • Fudo PAM communicates with the syslog server over UDP protocol.
  • Messages to the syslog server are send through an interface with the i option enabled, with an IP address that the target host’s network is reachable from or using the default gateway.

Adding a Syslog server

To add a Syslog server, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Events log.
  2. Click Configure syslog to display syslog servers configuration settings.
  3. Click i.
  4. Provide server’s IP address and port number.
  5. Select Enable events logging on syslog servers option to activate sending logs to defined syslog servers.
  6. Click Save.


  • Log entries sent to syslog servers are formatted as follows:

[<log_level>] (<component_name>) (object_name: object_id) <message>


[INFO] (fudordp) (fudo_server: 848388532111147015) (fudo_session: 848388532111147219) (fudo_user: 848388532111147012) (fudo_connection: 848388532111147014) User user0 authenticated using password logged in from IP addres:

  • For detailed list of log messages, refer to the Log messages topic.

Editing Syslog server definition

To edit a Syslog server definition, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Events log.
  2. Click Configure syslog to display syslog servers configuration settings.
  3. Find and edit desired syslog server definition.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting Syslog server definition

To delete a Syslog server definition, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Events log to access the events log page.
  2. Click Configure syslog to display syslog servers configuration settings.
  3. Find desired server definition and click i.
  4. Click Save.

Exporting events log

To export events log entries, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Events log.
  2. Click Export logs and select where to save exported log entries.

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