Backups and retentionΒΆ

Data retention

Data retention mechanism deletes session data older than the specified number of days.

To enable data retention service, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Backups and retention.
  2. Select Enabled option in the Data retention section.
  3. Define how long data will be stored before being deleted.


Global retention parameter value has lower priority than the value set in the connection.

  1. Click Save.

System backup


Data backup contains confidential information.

Data stored on FUDO can be backed up on an external server running rsync service. Backup service has to be enabled on FUDO and requires uploading external server’s public SSH key, to authorize access to FUDO.

Automated data backup requires configuring rsync service on a remote server and granting access rights to data stored on FUDO by uploading to FUDO server’s public SSH key.


Sessions data is stored on a compressed file system with compression ratio of up to 12:1. Data is decompressed upon being copied by rsync thus it will occupy more space on the target server than indicated by FUDO storage usage. Make sure there is enough storage space on the target server to store uncompressed data.

To enable automated backups service, proceed as follows.

  1. Select Settings > Backups and retention.
  2. Select Enabled option in the System backup section.
  3. Click Add SSH public key.
  4. Paste or upload public SSH key of a user defined on the backup server.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Run rsync on the backup server:

rsync -avze ssh backup@fudo_ip_address:/ <destination_folder>


Restoring system from backup

System restore service is provided by Wheelsystems technical support department on terms agreed in the SLA.

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