Logowane komunikaty


Kod komunikatu zawiera informację o komponencie źródłowym a także o typie wpisu.

Kod komunikatu Treść komunikatu
FSE0001 Internal system error.
FSE0002 Fudo certificate error.
FSE0003 Unable to change configuration settings.
FSE0004 Configuration import error.
FSE0005 Unable to initialize ${disk}.
FSE0006 Invalid license.
FSE0007 Unable to find license file.
FSE0008 Unable to attach hard drive ${disk}.
FSE0009 Upgrade failed.
FSE0010 License expired.
FSW0011 Retention module was unable to delete session ${sessid} from database.
FSW0012 Retention module error, session ${sessid} skipped.
FSI0013 Session ${sessid} removed according to retention policy.
FSW0014 Retention module was unable to remove session ${sessid}.
FSI0015 Redundancy group ${name} switched to master role.
FSW0016 Unable to send email, SMTP server not configured.
FSI0017 Redundancy group ${name} switched to slave role.
FSI0018 Hard drive ${disk} initialization started.
FSI0019 Hard drive ${disk} initialization completed. Data synchronization may take a moment.
FSE0020 System backup error.
FSI0021 Hard drive ${disk} attached.
FSI0022 Unsupported hard drive hot-swap.
FSI0023 Manual encryption does not support hard drive hot-swap.
FSE0024 Hard drive belongs to another Fudo (${diskserial}) ${disk}.
FSI0025 Cluster node ${name} (${address}) host key set to ${hostkey}.
FSE0026 Cluster communication error.
FSI0027 Cluster node ${name} initialized.
FSE0028 Unable to join node to cluster.
FSI0029 Resumed data synchronization.
FSI0030 Node ${node} initially synchronized.
FSE0031 Timestamping service communication error.
FSE0032 Unable to timestamp session.
FSE0033 Unknown timestamping service provider.
FSI0034 Session ${SESSION} was timestamped.
FSI0035 Email ${mailname} sent to ${admin_email}.
FSW0036 Unable to send email ${mailname} to ${admin_email} through ${account} server.
FSW0037 Output from SMTP client: ${out}.
FSI0038 Saved email ${mailname} sent to ${admin_email}.
FSI0039 System image version ${FULLNEW} uploaded successfully.
FSE0040 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): Fudo version mismatch (local: %s, remote: %s).
FSI0041 Initial connection from master cluster node.
FSI0042 Cluster node %s (%s) connected from address %s.
FSI0043 Connection from another cluster node.
FSI0044 Connected to cluster node %s (%s) on address %s.
FSI0045 Initial database replication to cluster node %s (%s) completed.
FSE0046 There is no filter called %s.
FSW0047 Error sending notification.
FSE0048 Error authenticating user over RADIUS.
FUI0049 User %s authenticated using password logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0050 User %s authenticated using password.
FUI0051 User %s authenticated through %s (Host: %s, Port: %d, %s: %s) logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0052 User %s authenticated through %s (Host: %s, Port: %d, %s: %s).
FUI0053 User %s authenticated through LDAP (Host: %s, Port: %d) logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0054 User %s authenticated through LDAP (Host: %s, Port: %d).
FUI0055 User %s (domain %s) authenticated through Active Directory (Host: %s, Port: %d) logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0056 User %s (domain %s) authenticated through Active Directory (Host: %s, Port: %d).
FUE0057 Authentication method «password», required by MySQL, requested by the user %s, logging in from IP address %s, was not found.
FUE0058 Authentication method «password», required by MySQL, requested by the user %s, was not found.
FUW0059 User %s, logging in from IP address %s, has more than one «password» method, using the first password.
FUW0060 User %s has more than one «password» method, using the first password.
FSE0061 Incorrect password repository configuration: login is empty.
FSE0062 Incorrect password repository configuration: password is empty.
FSE0063 Incorrect server configuration: ERPM namespace is empty.
FSE0064 Incorrect server configuration: ERPM name is empty.
FSE0065 License configuration error.
FSE0066 Unable to block user %jd.
FSE0067 Error connecting to Lieberman ERPM server %s: incorrect URL in configuration.
FSE0068 Error connecting to Lieberman ERPM server %s: incorrect protocol specified.
FSE0069 Error fetching password from Lieberman ERPM server %s: unable to get sessid for user %s.
FSE0070 Error fetching password from Lieberman ERPM server %s: unable to get password for user %s for the %s/%s server.
FSI0070 Established proxy connection from %s to %s (%s:%u).
FSI0071 Established gateway connection from %s to %s (%s:%u).
FSI0072 Established transparent connection from %s to %s (%s:%u).
FSI0073 Bastion connection from %s to %s (%s:%u).
FSW0074 Connection terminated because license has expired or was not set.
FSW0075 Connection terminated because number of nodes in cluster exceeded license limit.
FSE0076 Unable to establish connection, could not find specified transparent server (tcp://%s:%u).
FSE0077 LDAP authentication error.
FSE0078 LDAP authentication error: unable to connect from %s to %s.
FUE0079 Authentication timeout after %ju key attempt%s and %ju password attempt%s.
FUE0080 Authentication timeout after %lu key attempt%s.
FUE0081 Authentication timeout after %lu password attempt%s.
FSE0082 Unable to establish connection to server %s (%s).
FSE0083 Unable to establish connection from %s to server %s (%s).
FSI0084 Terminating session: %s.
FSI0085 Session finished.
FUI0086 User %s blocked due to connection policy violation.
FUW0087 Session has been terminated due to user %s account expiration.
FUW0088 Session has been terminated due to exceeding the time window defined in the connection %s time policy.
FUE0089 Authentication timeout.
FSE0090 Unable to connect to the passwords repository server %s.
FSE0091 Unable to add server %s.
FSE0092 Passwords repository server %s communication error.
FSE0093 Error connecting to Thycotic server %s: incorrect URL in configuration.
FSE0094 Error connecting to Thycotic server %s: incorrect protocol specified.
FSE0095 Error fetching password from Thycotic server %s: unable to get sessid for user %s.
FSE0096 Error fetching password from Thycotic server %s.
FSE0097 Error fetching password from Thycotic server %s: unable to get secretid for server %s.
FSE0098 Error fetching password from Thycotic server %s: unable to get password for user %s for the %s server.
FUE0099 Connection terminated.
FUI0100 HTTP connection beetwen client and server initiated.
FUE0101 Unable to find matching HTTP connection.
FUI0102 Session terminated by system administrator.
FUE0103 HTTP connection error.
FUI0104 %s connection terminated.
FUI0105 HTTP session inactive, terminating.
FUE0106 Authentication failed: %s.
FUW0107 Invalid inactivity timeout, falling back to %d seconds.
FUE0108 MySQL connection error.
FUI0109 MySQL connection terminated.
FUE0110 Oracle connection error.
FUI0111 Oracle connection terminated.
FUE0112 RDP connection error.
FUE0113 TLS Security configured, but missing TLS private key.
FUE0114 TLS Security configured, but missing TLS certificate.
FUE0115 Standard RDP Security configured, but missing private key.
FUE0116 TLS certificate verification failed.
FUE0117 RSA key verification failed.
FUI0118 Successfully authenticated against the server.
FUI0119 Successfully authenticated against the server as user %s using %s.
FUI0120 Successfully authenticated against the server as user %s within domain %s using %s.
FUI0121 An anonymous user successfully authenticated against the server.
FUI0122 An anonymous user successfully authenticated against the server as user %s.
FUI0123 An anonymous user successfully authenticated against the server as user %s within domain %s.
FUE0124 SSH connection error.
FUE0125 User %s failed to authenticate after %d attempts, disconnecting.
FUI0126 Successfully authenticated against the server as user %s using password.
FUE0127 Invalid authentication method: expected passwordor sshkey, got %s.
FUI0128 User %s authenticated using SSH key.
FUE0129 Failed to authenticate against the server as user %s using %s.
FUE0130 Failed to authenticate against the server as user %s using %s (received %s).
FUW0131 Functionality %s is not allowed.
FUE0132 Client requested incorrect terminal dimensions (%dx%d).
FUE0133 MSSQL connection error.
FUE0134 TN3270 connection error.
FUE0135 Unknown TN3270 command: %02x.
FUW0136 Functionality %s not allowed.
FUE0136 Telnet connection error.
FSE0137 Unable to read private key.
FSE0138 Server’s certificate does not match configured certificate.
FUE0139 VNC connection error.
FUE0140 Client version: %s is higher than the client integrated in Fudo: %s.
FUE0141 VNC connection error. Client answered with unsupported security type: %hhu.
FUE0142 VNC connection error. Server version: %s is lower than client version: %s.
FUI0143 VNC connection closed: %s.
FUE0144 User %s failed to authorize logging in from IP address: %s.
FUE0145 User %s failed to authorize.
FUE0146 User %s failed to authenticate logging in from IP address: %s.
FUE0147 User %s failed to authenticate.
FSE0148 Listening on %s:%u failed while adding bastion %s.
FAI0149 User %s deleted previous system version.
FAI0150 User %s changed backup and retention settings.
FAI0151 User %s %s bastion %s.
FAI0152 User %s deleted bastion %s.
FSE0153 Session indexing failure.
FSE0154 Session conversion failure for session %s.
FSI0155 Starting encoding session video %s.
FSI0156 Completed session video %s encoding.
FAI0157 User %s %s failover configuration.
FAI0158 User %s added node %s.
FAI0159 User %s changed %s in node %s.
FAI0160 User %s deleted node %s.
FAI0161 User %s disconnected node from the cluster.
FAI0162 Cluster has no active nodes. Cluster will be disabled.
FAI0163 User %s created new cluster.
FAI0164 User %s attached current node to cluster.
FAE0165 Error authenticating user %s.
FAI0166 User %s restored original logo for protocol %s.
FAI0167 User %s changed logo for protocol %s.
FAI0168 User %s confirmed sensitive feature %s.
FAI0169 User %s removed confirmation for sensitive feature %s.
FAI0170 User %s changed following notifications settings: %s.
FAI0171 User %s enabled email notifications.
FAI0172 User %s disabled email notifications.
FAI0173 User %(username)s is upgrading Fudo.
FAI0174 User %(username)s upgraded Fudo.
FAI0175 User %(username)s uploaded new upgrade image (version: %(version)s, size: %(size)d).
FAI0176 User %(username)s deleted upgrade files.
FAI0177 User %s uploaded license file.
FAW0178 User %(username)s triggered system restart.
FAW0179 User %(username)s triggered system shutdown.
FAW0180 User %s %s remote SSH access.
FAW0181 User %(username)s changed timestamping settings.
FAW0182 User %(username)s uploaded new PKCS12 file.
FAW0183 User %(username)s changed timestamping provider to %(provider)s.
FAW0184 User %(username)s %(action)s timestamping.
FAI0185 User %s imported system configuration.
FAI0186 User %s exported system configuration.
FAI0187 User %s added NTP server %s.
FAI0188 User %s removed NTP server %s.
FAE0189 Error saving NTP servers: „%s”.
FAI0190 User %(username)s changed date & time from %(old_date)s to %(new_date)s.
FAI0191 User %s changed timezone to %s.
FAI0192 User %s changed Fudo HTTPS private key and certificate.
FAI0193 User %s %s SSH access.
FAI0194 User %s requested service data.
FAI0195 User %s added %s to %s for %s %s.
FAI0196 User %s removed %s from %s for %s %s.
FAI0197 User %s changed %s from %s to %s for %s %s.
FAI0198 User %(username)s added IP address %(new_inet)s/%(new_netmask)s to interface %(interface)s with %(new_management)s management and %(new_cluster)s cluster address.
FAI0199 User %(username)s changed subnet mask from %(old_netmask)s to %(new_netmask)s on %(new_inet)s/%(new_netmask)s address on interface %(interface)s.
FAI0200 User %(username)s %(new_cluster)s cluster address on %(new_inet)s/%(new_netmask)s address on interface %(interface)s.
FAI0201 User %(username)s %(new_management)s management on %(new_inet)s/%(new_netmask)s address on interface %(interface)s.
FAI0202 User %(username)s deleted IP address %(old_ip)s from interface %(interface)s.
FAI0203 User %(username)s %(action)s interface %(interface)s.
FAI0204 User %(username)s added member %(member)s to bridge %(interface)s.
FAI0205 User %(username)s removed member %(member)s from bridge %(interface)s.
FAI0206 User %(username)s enabled spanning tree propagation on bridge %(interface)s.
FAI0207 User %(username)s disabled spanning tree propagation on bridge %(interface)s.
FAI0208 User %(username)s changed VLAN %(interface)s parent interface from %(old_parent_interface)s to %(new_parent_interface)s.
FAI0209 User %(username)s changed VLAN %(interface)s ID from %(old_vlan)s to %(new_vlan)s.
FAI0210 User %s deleted interface %s.
FAI0211 User %s changed LDAP synchronization settings.
FAW0213 LDAP error during fetching groups: %s.
FAI0214 User %s enforced full LDAP synchronization.
FAI0215 User %s disabled events logging on syslog servers.
FAI0216 User %s removed syslog server: %s:%s.
FAI0217 User %s added syslog server: %s:%s.
FAI0218 User %s removed syslog server %s.
FAI0219 User %s changed remote log dispatch settings.
FAI0220 User %s changed network interfaces settings.
FAI0221 User %s changed hostname from %s to %s.
FAI0222 User %s added DNS server IP address %s.
FAI0223 User %s removed DNS server IP address %s.
FAI0224 User %s added new route for network %s with gateway %s.
FAI0225 User %s changed gateway for network %s from %s to %s.
FAI0226 User %s deleted network %s with gateway %s.
FAI0227 User %s (%s) terminated session.
FAI0228 Anonymous user from IP address %s with access rights granted by user %s joined session.
FAI0229 User %s from IP address %s joined session.
FAI0230 User %s (%s) suspended session.
FAI0231 User %s (%s) resumed session.
FAE0232 MySQL session playback error.
FAI0233 Anonymous user from IP address %s accessed session %s shared by %s with key %s.
FAI0234 User %s from IP address %s accessed session %s.
FAI0235 User %s %s comment %d for session.
FAI0236 User %s generated key %s with %s access.
FAI0237 User %s is viewing user input for session.
FAI0238 User %s blocked server %s.
FAI0239 User %s unblocked server %s.
FAI0240 User %s blocked connection %s.
FAI0241 User %s unblocked connection %s.
FAI0242 User %s addedd new time policy to connection %s for %s from %s to %s.
FAI0243 User %s changed connection %s %s time policy %s from %s to %s.
FAI0244 User %s deleted time policy for %s %s - %s from connection %s.
FAI0247 User %s deleted server %s.
FAI0248 User %s %s server %s.
FAI0251 User %s deleted connection %s.
FAI0252 User %s %s connection %s.
FAI0253 User %s deleted session.
FAI0254 User %s requested OCR processing for session.
FAW0255 User %s tried to disable a non-exisitent sharing key for session.
FAI0256 User %s disabled anonymous access key %s for session.
FAI0259 User %s deleted download %s.
FAI0260 User %s downloaded file %s for session %s.
FAI0261 Anonymous user from IP address %s terminated session shared by %s with key %s.
FAI0262 User %s terminated session.
FAI0263 User %s blocked user %s.
FAI0264 User %s modified policies settings.
FAI0265 User %s modified regular expressions settings.
FSW0266 Failed to send email.
FSE0267 Error generating report %d: %s.
FAI0268 User %s deleted report „%s”.
FAW0269 User %s cannot delete report „%s”.
FAI0270 Report {} created by user {}.
FAW0271 User %(username)s is blocked.
FAW0272 User %(username)s is not allowed to log in.
FAW0273 User %(username)s logging from IP %(ip)s not found.
FAI0276 User %s unblocked user %s.
FAI0277 User %s deleted user %s.
FAI0278 User %s added user %s to connection %s.
FAI0279 User %s changed user %s.
FAI0281 User %s logged out from Fudo administration panel.
FAI0282 User %s successfully changed his password.
FSE0283 Unable to process pattern: %s
FSW0284 Pattern %s matched on %s with priority %s in session.
FSE0285 Unable to read certificate.
FSE0286 No peer certificate received.
FSW0287 No server key configured, skipping verification.
FSI0288 Server key verification failed.
FUI0289 MSSQL connection terminated.
FSI0290 User %s (%d) was removed. Reason: user wasn’t in any of synchronized groups.
FSI0291 System backup initiated, fingerprint: ${fingerprint}.
FSI0292 System backup initiated.
FSI0293 System backup completed, fingerprint: ${fingerprint}.
FSI0294 System backup completed.
FAI0295 User %s blocked bastion %s.
FAI0296 User %s unblocked bastion %s.
FAI0297 User %s created bastion %s.
FAI0298 User %s changed bastion %s.
FAI0299 User %s created server %s.
FAI0300 User %s changed server %s.
FAI0301 User %s changed connection %s.
FAI0302 User %s created connection %s.
FAI0303 User %s created user %s.
FAI0304 User %s modified %s for %s %s.
FUE0305 Client connection closed: encryption is not available.
FUE0306 Client connection closed.
FSE0307 Error fetching password from HiPAM server %s: unable to get sessid for user %s.
FSE0308 HiPAM server internal error.
FSE0309 Error fetching password from HiPAM server %s: unable to get sessdat for user %s.
FSE0310 Incorrect server configuration: HiPAM name is empty.
FSE0311 Unable to fetch password from HiPAM.
FSE0312 Error connecting to HiPAM server %s: incorrect URL in configuration.
FSE0313 Error connecting to HiPAM server %s: incorrect protocol specified.
FUE0314 Invalid pixel format.
FSE0330 Bad login field configured on LDAP server %s. Error while processing user %s.
FSE0331 Error while processing userAccountControl value of user %s.
FSI0332 User %s will be blocked.
FSI0333 User %s will be unblocked.
FSW0334 User %s has incorrect principal name.
FSI0335 User %s synchronized from LDAP server %s.
FSI0336 Remove pair connection %s user %s.
FSI0337 Add conection %s to user %s.
FSW0338 User %s paired with connection %s, server conflict.
FSI0339 User %s (%s) was removed. Reason: user was not in any of synchronized groups.
FSI0340 Full synchronization from LDAP server %s started.
FSI0341 User %s connections cleared.
FSI0342 User %s will be resynchronized from server %s.
FSI0343 Resynchronized user %s will be removed.
FSW0344 Connection to LDAP server error: %s.
FSI0345 Successfully fetched password from %s.
FUE0346 Client sent a packet bigger than %d bytes.
FSE0348 Unable to get configuration settings.
FAI0349 Anonymous user from IP address %s with access rights granted by user %s left session.
FAI0350 User %s from IP address %s left session.
FUE0351 Client sent unsupported NTLM v1 response.
FSE0352 Bastion requires login and server delimited with one of «%s» (%s).
FAI0353 User %(username)s is deleting upgrade snapshost.
FAI0354 User %(username)s deleted upgrade snapshot.
FSE0355 Inconsistent data, starting recovery replication to cluster node %s (%s).
FUW0356 Unsupported X11 extension: %s.
FUW0357 Server uses higher resolution than the current limit: %dx%d.
FUW0358 Server uses higher color depth than the current limit: %d bpp.
FUE0359 Server rejected X11 connection: %.*s.
FUE0360 Server requires unsupported X11 authentication: %.*s.
FSW0361 Fudo started.
FSE0362 Unable to propagate ARP.
FUE0363 User %s has no access to host %s:%u.
FUI0364 RDP server sent a redirection packet.
FUE0365 RDP server %s:%u has to listen on the default RDP port in order to redirect sessions.
FSE0366 Error connecting to CyberArk server %s: incorrect URL in configuration.
FSE0367 Error connecting to CyberArk server %s: incorrect protocol specified.
FSE0368 Error fetching password from CyberArk server %s.
FSE0369 Error fetching password from CyberArk server %s: unable to get password for user %s for server %s.
FUI0370 User %s authenticated using OTP logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0371 User %s authenticated using OTP.
FSE0372 Unable to invalidate OTP password %jd.
FUW0373 Session has been terminated due to exceeding the time window defined in a time policy for the user %s and the safe %s.
FSI0374 Established %s connection from %s to %s:%u.
FSE0375 Unable to add listener %s.
FSE0376 Unable to add listener %s because %s is listening on same IP address and port.
FSE0377 Bastion requires login and server to be delimited with one of the «%s» characters (listener: %s, login: %s).
FSE0378 Unable to establish connection: server not found, user not found or user has no access to the server (listener: %s, login: %s).
FSE0379 Unable to establish connection: transparent server (tcp://%s:%u) not found or cannot be reached through listener (listener: %s, login: %s).
FSE0380 Unable to authenticate user %s: server is blocked.
FSE0381 Unable to authenticate user %s: account not found.
FSE0382 Unable to authenticate user %s: account is blocked.
FSE0383 Unable to authenticate user %s: user not found.
FSE0384 Unable to authenticate user %s: user is blocked.
FSE0385 Unable to authenticate user %s: safe not found.
FSE0386 Unable to authenticate user %s: safe is blocked.
FSI0387 Password for account %s verified successfully.
FSI0389 Password for account %s changed successfully.
FAI0393 User %s displayed password history for account %s.
FAI0394 User %s displayed password to account %s changed at %s.
FAI0395 User %s displayed current password for account %s.
FAI0396 User %s blocked safe %s.
FAI0397 User %s unblocked safe %s.
FAI0398 User %s deleted safe %s.
FAI0399 User %s changed safe %s.
FAI0400 User %s created safe %s.
FAI0401 User %s blocked account %s.
FAI0402 User %s unblocked account %s.
FAI0403 User %s deleted account %s.
FAI0404 User %s changed account %s.
FAI0405 User %s created account %s.
FAI0406 User %s blocked listener %s.
FAI0407 User %s unblocked listener %s.
FAI0408 User %s deleted listener %s.
FAI0409 User %s changed listener %s.
FAI0410 User %s created listener %s.
FAI0411 User %s blocked password change policy %s.
FAI0412 User %s unblocked password change policy %s.
FAI0413 User %s deleted password change policy %s.
FAI0414 User %s changed password change policy %s.
FAI0415 User %s created password change policy %s.
FSI0416 Connection between safe %s and user %s has been removed.
FSI0417 Connection between safe %s and user %s has been added.
FSI0418 User %s was removed from safes %s.
FSE0420 Unable to authenticate user %s against server %s.
FAI0421 User %s assigned listener %s to safe %s.
FAI0422 User %s unassigned listener %s from safe %s.
FAI0423 User %s assigned account %s to safe %s.
FAI0424 User %s unassigned account %s from safe %s.
FAI0425 User %s assigned authentication method %s to user %s.
FAI0426 User %s unassigned authentication mathod %s from user %s.
FAI0427 User %s changed authentication mathod %s assigned to user %s.
FAI0428 User %s assigned user %s to safe %s.
FAI0429 User %s unassigned user %s from safe %s.
FAI0430 User %s blocked password changer %s.
FAI0431 User %s unblocked password changer %s.
FAI0432 User %s deleted password changer %s.
FAI0433 User %s changed password changer %s.
FAI0434 User %s created password changer %s.
FSW0435 Password changer timed out for acccount %s.
FUI0436 User %s authenticated using token logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0437 User %s authenticated using token.
FAW0438 User %s authenticated using new token while the old one still exists.
FAW0439 User %s authenticated using old token.
FAI0440 User %s granted access for account %s to user %s.
FAI0441 User %s revoked access for account %s from user %s.
FAI0442 User %s granted access for listener %s to user %s.
FAI0443 User %s revoked access for listener %s from user %s.
FAI0444 User %s created policy %s.
FAI0445 User %s deleted policy %s.
FAI0446 User %s changed policy %s.
FAI0447 User %s assigned regexp %s to policy %s .
FAI0448 User %s unassigned regexp %s from policy %s.
FAI0449 User %s created regexp %s.
FAI0450 User %s deleted regexp %s.
FAI0451 User %s changed regexp %s.
FAI0452 User %s granted access for safe %s to user %s.
FAI0453 User %s revoked access for safe %s from user %s.
FAI0454 User %s granted access for server %s to user %s.
FAI0455 User %s revoked access for server %s from user %s.
FAI0456 User %s granted access for user %s to user %s.
FAI0457 User %s revoked access for user %s from user %s.
FAI0458 User %s displayed password history for account %s. Reason: %s.
FAI0459 User %s displayed password to account %s changed at %s. Reason: %s.
FAI0460 User %s displayed current password for account %s. Reason: %s
FSE0461 Invalid data from %s LDAP server.
FAI0462 User {} created redundancy group {}.
FAI0463 User {} deleted redundancy group {}.
FAE0464 User %s is not allowed to login from address %s.
FUW0465 Establishing new connections has been disabled.
FSE0466 Fudo versions do not conform.
FUE0467 Client tried to authenticate using an invalid UTF-8 login.
FSI0468 A passphrase used to decrypt disks was changed.
FSE0469 Unexpected number of bastions (%s).
FSE0470 Unexpected number of servers (%s).
FSE0471 Unexpected number of users (%s).
FSE0472 RDP servers %s must all use TLS (NLA) or Standard RDP Security.
FSE0473 Fudo cannot be upgraded to PAM.
FSI0474 Fudo can be upgraded to PAM.
FSE0475 Connection %s replaces a login and forwards a secret for servers %s which is not allowed.
FSE0476 ZVOL with encryption key does not exist.
FSE0477 Replication of encryption key to cluster node %s (%s) failed.
FSE0478 Unable to join cluster’s node ${name}. Fudo versions do not conform (local: ${VERSION}, remote: ${rversion}).
FSE0479 Servers %s must all use the same %s settings.
FSE0480 Servers %s must all use the same protocol.
FAI0481 New OTP for user %s has been generated.
FSW0482 Unable to verify password for account %s.
FUI0483 User %s authenticated using Citrix logon ticket logged in from IP address: %s.
FUI0484 User %s authenticated using Citrix logon ticket.
FUE0485 ICA connection error.
FUI0486 ICA server closed connection.
FAI0487 User %s requested timestamping for session.
FAI0488 User %s requested timestamping for account.
FSI0489 Label %s not defined on this node, skipping listener %s.
FAI0490 User %s created external authentication %s.
FAI0491 User %s changed external authentication %s: %s.
FAI0492 User %s deleted external authentication %s.
FSE0493 Unable to establish connection to server %s (%s): label %s not defined on this node.
FSI0494 Label %s not defined on this node, skipping external authentication %s.
FSE0495 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): connection failure.
FSE0496 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to replicate a batch with object %jd to table %s.
FSE0497 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to replicate a batch with object %jd (name: %s) to table %s.
FSE0498 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to store object %jd in table %s.
FSE0499 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to store object %jd (name: %s) in table %s.
FSE0500 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to connect to %s.
FSE0501 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): failure during handshake.
FSE0502 Database error.
FSE0503 Communication error with a cluster node: Fudo version mismatch (local: %s, remote: %s).
FSE0504 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): %s.
FSE0505 Communication error with a cluster node: failure during handshake.
FSI0508 Successfully replicated encryption key to node %s (%s).
FSE0509 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): unable to replicate session data.
FSE0510 Communication error with cluster node %s (%s): intial replication failed.
FSW0511 There has been an attempt to reset Fudo to factory defaults. Resetting Fudo to factory defaults has been administratively disabled.
FAI0512 User %s enabled reset account.
FAI0513 User %s disabled reset account.
FAW0514 User %s of role %s tried to view %s, but has insufficient privileges for this action.
FSE0515 Unable to upload backup #${currno} at ${datetime}.
FSI0516 Backup #${currno} at ${datetime} successfully uploaded.
FSE0517 Backup configuration error: %s.
FSE0518 Backup internal error.
FSI0519 ${type} backup snapshot ${snapname} successfully taken.
FUE0520 User %s tried to access ICA server %s:%u using Citrix StoreFront which is not permitted.
FUE0521 Citrix StoreFront sent an ICA file without a destination address.
FSW0522 Roolback to ${oldversion} failed.
FSW0523 Upgrade to ${oldversion} failed.
FSW0524 Roolback to ${version} succeeded.
FSW0525 Upgrade to ${version} succeeded.
FSE0526 Error communicating with bypass card. Error setting nextboot mode.
FSE0527 Error communicating with bypass card. Error setting bpe mode.
FSE0528 Error communicating with bypass card. Error switching card mode.
FSE0529 Error communicating with bypass card.
FAI0530 User %s enabled snmp.
FAI0531 User %s disabled snmp.
FSW0532 External storage is unavailable.
FSE0533 Unable to attach external storage.
FSI0534 External storage attached.
FSE0535 External storage is unavailable in this configuration.
FSW0536 External storage detached.
FSI0537 External storage attached successfully.
FAI0538 Set external storage connection mode to %s
FAI0539 Set configured WWN to %s, external storage connection mode to %s
FAI0540 Interface discovery while configuring external storage: %s
FSW0540 Found ${cdisk} paths to fiber channel ${wwn} from ${cscbus} devices.
FSW0541 Retention module was unable to move session ${sessid}.
FAI0542 User %s assigned account %s, listener %s to safe %s.
FAI0543 User %s unassigned account %s, listener %s from safe %s.
FSE0544 Failed to list snapshots.
FSW0545 Unable to change password for account %s.
FUI0546 ICA client closed connection.
FAE0547 User %s could not create a ticket requesting an access to safe %s.
FAI0548 User %s created ticket %s requesting an access to safe %s.
FAI0549 User %s approved ticket %s requesting an access for user %s to safe %s.
FAI0550 User %s rejected ticket %s requesting an access for user %s to safe %s.
FAI0551 User %(username)s added member %(member)s to lagg %(interface)s.
FAI0552 User %(username)s removed member %(member)s from lagg %(interface)s.
FSE0553 Unable to extract public key from CA.
FUE0554 SFTP server uses an unsupported version %u.
FAI0555 User %s added address %s to server %s.
FAI0556 User %s removed address %s from server %s.
FAI0557 User %s changed address %s assigned to server %s.
FSI0558 Starting encoding file for session %s.
FSI0559 Completed encoding file for session %s.
FSE0560 Session has not been approved nor rejected.
FSE0561 Unexpected number of connections (%s).
FAI0562 User %s rejected session %s. Reason: %s.
FAI0563 User %s rejected session %s.
FAI0564 User: {} tried to accept session: {} but it was accepted by:
FAI0565 User: {} rejected session: {}
FAI0566 User: {} tried to reject session: {} but it was accepted by:
FAI0567 User: {} tried to reject session: {} but it was rejected by:
FAI0568 User: {} accepted session: {}
FAI0569 User: {} tried to accept session: {} but it was rejected by:
FAI0570 User %s approved session %s.
FSI0571 Proxy connection closed.
FSE0572 Proxy connection error.
FSI0573 Client sent an invalid token.
FSE0574 Unable to resolve ${ip} domain to address.
FSE0575 Unable to convert raw file to pcap.
FAI0576 User {} changed 4 Eyes proxy API certificate settings.
FAI0577 User {} changed 4 Eyes proxy settings.
FSI0578 User %s (%s) was removed. Reason: user’s external server dosen’t exists any more.
FAI0579 User {} changed 4 Eyes Fudo Mobile settings.
FSE0580 Cluster %s has an invalid token: %s.
FAI0581 User %s changed domain search path from %s to %s.
FSW0582 Disk $cdev was removed.